
Harnessing our extensive design expertise, we deliver digital services that not only function flawlessly but also emanate captivating aesthetics, elevating your brand to new heights!

Mobile applications, web-based apps, software and websites – visual design is a part of the user experience and creates the first impression of your company or service brand. Visual factors also play a part in the profitability of a website or software and in achieving the goals you have set for your company.

At Hurja, we ensure that your solutions work well and also that the visual design of your company suits various terminal devices and use situations and can also be used on printed materials. We also always pay attention to accessibility requirements.

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From the user experience to a user interface and prototypes

Our user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design always takes your goals related to target groups into consideration. We create an experience that is sure to please the end user. An individual user experience and elegant design affect the image users form of the quality of the company’s services and the achievement of the defined marketing and commercial targets – also in the longer term.

Our UX and UI design services take the needs of service users into account, and we create a visual design with strong competence while listening to our clients. Thanks to our strong experience, we can design a user interface based on the company’s brand style guide or create a custom design that matches your company’s visual identity. We create prototypes and samples according to your wishes as a part of our software, mobile application and website projects.

Design that works and looks great

We use service design to create a clear and comprehensive plan for the implementation of your digital service, taking into consideration the project’s requirements, prerequisites and resources. During the design process, you’ll be confident that the final service will respond to the end user’s needs and that the created customer experience will match your vision. UX design involves designing the structure and logic of a digital service to meet your company’s goals while ensuring that the final product will provide an intuitive and clear answer to the user’s problem. In UI design, the user interface of a website or software is designed to correspond to the desired user experience.

Important factors in visual design include colours, graphic elements and typography. Indeed, it’s important to pay attention to the company’s brand and good UI design practices from a visual perspective while also ensuring active and comfortable interactions with the end user. The visual design should also contribute to creating a sense of trust and communicating the right message. For example, the visual design of an online bank should be appropriately conservative, while a website aimed at children can be much more playful. We pay attention to the whole to ensure a design that both works and looks great!

Graphic design services

Graphic design is a part of visual design and supports UX and UI design. With our graphic design service, we produce elements that match your company’s visual identity (e.g. logos, icons) that can be applied to your user interface and other materials where appropriate. Graphic design by a professional ensures that your products look the way you need and want them to look. Hurja also provides digital and printed products that match your company’s visual identity.

Need a partner in digital service development with technical and visual competence? Contact us!

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